About Us

WhiskeyAdvice is fast becoming the one stop shop for all Whiskey Enthusiasts. Our team here love all things whiskey, and want nothing more than to share their expertise with you.
When talking to whiskey connoisseurs and newbies alike, a common theme we have found was that with such a vast and in depth range of whiskey blends, malts, mixes, and just general whisky information; delving into this world can be complex at best.
Phew, where do people start?!
Our purpose here is to share our intimate knowledge of whiskey with you. Our main aim is to provide our readers with an honest and unbiased review of different whiskies and distillers from all over the world.
Not only will you have access to our independent expert reviews and tasting notes, but we also provide our readers with the opportunity to submit their own product and distiller reviews. We strongly feel that creating this form of community will allow for a unique library of relevant product reviews that caters for the interests of many different palates, tastes and personal preferences.
Whether you’re new to this wonderful world of whiskey spirits, or are already a seasoned whiskey drinker, we’re sure you find a library of useful information and reviews that will guide you towards your new favorite whiskey drink… or perhaps even tempt you to try something new!
Please bookmark and continue to visit our site. We are constantly evolving and always adding new reviews, whiskey information and feedback.
So sit back, grab a glass of your favorite whiskey, and enjoy your journey through WhiskeyAdvice.
The WhiskeyAdvice Team