Old Fashioned Cocktail“Classics” are classics for a reason. Whilst there will always be something new that someone’s imagined and put in a glass, this has always been one of my favorites and why I had to feature this first. The Old Fashioned made its mark on history in the 1960’s and the first time I tasted it I wondered where it had been in all my life…  


  • 2fl oz (50ml) of bourbon
  • 2-3 drops of whiskey bitters
  • 1 tsp sugar syrup
  • 1 slice of orange peel
  • 1 twist of lemon peel to garnish
  • 3-4 ice cubes


  1. Squeeze the orange peel with your fingers and rub it around the inside of your tumbler, then place in the glass
  2. Add the bitters, sugar syrup, cherry and half of the ice cubes
  3. Add half of your bourbon and stir for about 5-10 seconds
  4. Add the rest of the ice and bourbon then stir again for 10-15 seconds
  5. Garnish with the lemon peel to serve

I can’t wait for you to try it and take a classy step back in time with your pin striped suit into a smoke filled lounge.