Whiskey Mixes
Whether you’re a seasoned whiskey drinker or are interested in trying whiskey for the first time, WhiskeyAdvice has all the whiskey mixes you can think of and some new ones that may reinvigorate your love for whiskey.
All our whiskey mixes revolve around one of two key ingredients to compliment and show off your whiskey. Yes we will cover the ones you know like whiskey with water, whiskey with coke and whiskey with dry but that’s just the beginning.
The beauty about whiskey mixes is in the simplicity. They’re simple to make and chances are you either have everything required in your cupboard, fridge or easily able to walk around the corner to the store and pick it up. Because of the minimal ingredients, they’re also so easy to dial up or dial down suit yours, or your company’s taste. Unlike cocktails (also amazing, don’t get us wrong!) you just don’t need to worry as much about balancing sweet with dry or sour as there’s really only one or two levers to pull and they more a less revolve around how much you want to show the whiskey off.
I know you’re already sold – but one of the things we love most about whiskey mixes is they’re a great use of your top shelf whiskey because you won’t be hiding it behind other spirits or overpowering it with multiple mixes.
The WhiskeyAdvice team want to push your boundaries and always have our finger on the pulse for new ideas from every corner of the globe.
The WhiskeyAdvice Team